Tag: music

Pastor praises God, house burns

In the News

Apostle Sammy Smith of Grace Cathedral Ministries has livestreamed a fire that engulfed parts his home on the Sunday morning. This footage,...

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World’s first AI gospel singer

In the News

It is, as far as we know, the first Gospel song written by an algorithm, recorded by an algorithm and preformed by, that’s right, an...

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Buying or selling your home


Buying or selling a home normally takes 2 to 3 months. The process can take longer. If you sell your own house, you will save a...

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Presenter clashes with pastor

In the News

A radio presenter has clashed with a church pastor who said he would pray for gay people to ‘help them overcome’ homosexual...

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Vatican’s new Secretary General

In the News

Pope Francis has a chosen Sr Raffaella Petrini as secretary general of the body which runs Vatican City State. By her appointment, Pope...

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The Heavenly Man

What we reviewed

Reading this book could start a revival. If brother Yun’s story was ever made into a film, it would be a box office sell out. It will...

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