Tag: music

Takeaway ashes, Lenten kits

In the News

Churches rolled out creative ideas this week to observe Ash Wednesday, tweaking a centuries-old tradition to meet the demands of a...

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How to perform well on stage


You’ve formed a band and you have your first performance – it’s exciting, right? While this may be true, a lot of bands face...

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90,000 saved from abortion

In the News

The Prestonwood Pregnancy Center in Dallas, Texas is celebrating saving 90,000 babies from abortion. The centre is strategically placed...

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I’m in Love with a Church Girl

What we reviewed

I’m in Love with a Church Girl is a 2013 Christian drama film directed by Steve Race. It stars Jeff “Ja Rule”...

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Best wedding entertainment


So the church is booked, you have ordered the dress and the big day is on the calendar! What next? Have you given much thought to your...

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70 Christians freed from prisons

In the News

Seventy evangelical and orthodox Christians have been released from three prisons in Eritrea, after being held without charge for between...

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