Tag: music

Biden’s order on gender law

In the News

President Joe Biden has issued an executive order that will extend existing federal non-discrimination protections to LGBTQ people....

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13-year-old burns down church

In the News

A church building belonging to the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC) in Tamboul, Gezira state was burned down last week. According to...

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“Please send us oxygen”

In the News

Catholic bishops and nuns in Brazil are pleading for help to fight against the newest recorded variant of Covid-19 registered in the...

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World’s 30 distinctive churches

Amazine, Trending

Works of art as well as places of worship. One can’t help but be awed by the unique beauty of these chapels and churches from around...

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Plan a home vegetable garden


Life in the fast lane does not allow us time enough to appreciate the simple joys in life. We all get so caught up in our daily lives,...

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Kuku’s Summer at Home

What we reviewed

Kuku’s Summer at Home Author: Bhumika Kulkarni Illustrated by Anika Ravanan Publisher: Maiya Publishing “Kuku’s Summer...

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