Tag: national

Former Pope Benedict XVI dies

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Former Pope Benedict died on Saturday in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican, a spokesman for the Holy See said. “With...

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Celebrities on faith

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The year 2022 has been challenging for many of us, celebrities included. Yet, many of them found and reaffirmed their faith in JESUS this...

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UK’S first LEGO baptism

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A baby born in Devon, United Kingdom has been baptised in a font made from Lego. The couple, Agnhus and Michelle Farrelly, christened their...

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Christian teacher remains jailed

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Jailed teacher Enoch Burke will remain behind bars during the Christmas season. Burke , a teacher from Wilson’s Hospital School in...

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Most popular Bible verse

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YouVersion has kept up its tradition of announcing its most popular verse of the year among users of its Bible App. The scripture that...

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Praying woman moved away

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A woman from Bournemouth who was recently praying quietly with a friend in a public space was warned by local authorities that their prayer...

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