Tag: national

Supreme Court expands death row religious rights

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A death row inmate has been granted the right for his pastor or priest to lay hands on him and pray for him, during his execution. The US...

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‘Ribbon Wall’ for Ukraine

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A church in York has organised a ‘Ribbon Wall’ on its grounds to show support and solidarity for Ukraine during the current war...

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Stephen Baldwin praises God

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Actor Stephen Baldwin says he has “been on his knees before my God” after his daughter, Hailey Bieber suffered a frightening health...

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Russian Church in UK ransacked

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A Russian Orthodox church was ransacked and several valuable items were stolen after it was broken into. Collection boxes for Ukrainian...

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Iran frees 9 Christian converts

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An Iranian appeals court has acquitted nine Christian converts serving five-year prison sentences on charges of “acting against national...

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Graffiti daubed on church door

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Police are investigating after vandals daubed elaborate runic symbols across a 13th century church. North Yorkshire Police said the red...

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