Tag: nature

Four common dieting mistakes


If you are feeling stuck in a rut or displeased with your dieting attempts, there’s a good chance you are making one or more of the...

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Dressing right for work


Looking professional can have a significant impact on your confidence, as well as how people view you and your work. If you want to up your...

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Live life king size


In today’s world of competition – a fast, mad, rat race, it is said that everyone is a rat. But should it be so? Can we not be in...

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Why choose home food?


Humans started cooking 1 million years ago and we never stopped. Why don’t you cook? Maybe you have plenty of excuses. But be aware,...

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How to perform well on stage


You’ve formed a band and you have your first performance – it’s exciting, right? While this may be true, a lot of bands face...

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Best wedding entertainment


So the church is booked, you have ordered the dress and the big day is on the calendar! What next? Have you given much thought to your...

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