Tag: nature

World’s 30 distinctive churches

Amazine, Trending

Works of art as well as places of worship. One can’t help but be awed by the unique beauty of these chapels and churches from around...

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Plan a home vegetable garden


Life in the fast lane does not allow us time enough to appreciate the simple joys in life. We all get so caught up in our daily lives,...

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7 rules to get rid of stress


As the new year began, you may have been feeling a little overcommitted. Going back to work after the holidays, trying to keep whatever...

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Ways to redo your home


You can transform your house into a home with any interior design style you choose, however there are two things to keep in mind –...

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How to plan a holiday party


With all of the social media that we have today, being able to keep up with friends and family is easier than ever. However, no matter how...

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How to fall asleep faster


We’ve all been there – those nights where you toss and turn, staring at the clock, every minute seeming impossibly slow. Not being...

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