Tag: non-vegetarian

Chicken Parmigiana

Main Course

Australia and Italy both claim it as their own. Chicken Parmigiana, or Chicken Parmesan (Italian pollo alla parmigiana) is breaded chicken...

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Sri Lankan Lamprais

Main Course

These food packets can unite Sri Lankan food lovers in a jiffy. Traditionally, it was all in a day’s work to prepare one of these...

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Healthy Red Soup

Soups, Salads

This peppery soup is an excellent source of healthy vitamins – and it’s delicious! One bowl will fill you up. Cook/steam 3 tomatoes, 3...

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Chicken Pilau

Main Course

Chicken Pilau or Pilaf is the delicious lesser known cousin of the ubiquitous chicken biryani – an equally loved and well-cherished...

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Pidiyum Kozhiyum

Main Course

Pidi and Kozhi or rice dumplings in a soupy chicken curry is a traditional fare of Travancore Christians. Save this one – it will be...

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Hot Cross Buns

Main Course

A classic Easter recipe – Hot Cross Buns are topped with a cross which symbolises Christ’s crucifixion. This spiced sweet bun...

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