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Precious Blood

Monday Reflection – June 12

All of us have experienced some levels of brokenness. Unexpected, tough situations, some that we could never have imagined would…

2 years ago

Clear that log jam

I am a fixer. I turn to God as a last resort. Even when I prayed about something I took…

2 years ago

Monday Reflection – June 5

When a person thinks he has all the choice and when a person really has no choice - these are…

2 years ago

Monday Reflection – May 22

You cannot be a control freak and trust God at the same time. Many people ask God for His will…

2 years ago

Monday Reflection – May 15

Whatever life throws at you, you have the ability to turn it into good or bad. Our elders taught us…

2 years ago

Mum life: sweet or bitter?

Since inception of creation of man, a woman is designed to fill an enviable vacuum in God's own plan for…

2 years ago

Monday Reflection – May 8

This is for the ones who are in pain, in struggle and in constant battles that do not seem to…

2 years ago

Monday Reflection – May 1

They say the two most important days in life are - the day you were born and the day you…

2 years ago

Prophetic Declaration – May

When the Lord of the universe has His hand on you, why fear? Fear and faith cannot go hand in…

2 years ago

Monday Reflection – April 24

Ask and you shall receive. How many of us truly ask? Most of our prayers are like a roll call:…

2 years ago

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