Tag: Warrior

Removing demonic influence

Spiritual Warfare

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Would you please send a special assignment of warring angels to remove and bind to the abyss every demonic...

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Binding evil spirits

Spiritual Warfare • 6 Comments

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I stand with the power of the Lord God Almighty to bind Satan and all his evil spirits,...

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Prophetic Declaration – Oct 1

Spiritual Warfare • One Comment

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Pleading the Blood of Jesus

Spiritual Warfare • 5 Comments

Father God, I love You, I praise You, I glorify Your Holy Name alone. I plead the blood of Jesus to destroy every principality, power,...

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Prophetic Declaration – April 1

Spiritual Warfare

Be ready for a massive comeback. Jesus is with you in the storm. Let praise and worship go higher. The LORD is giving you a brand new...

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Prayer for inner healing

Spiritual Warfare • One Comment

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Prayer for teachers

Daily Prayers

Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You all the teachers we have ever had – from our childhood to now. As many students attend classes...

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Prophetic Declaration – Sept 1

Spiritual Warfare • One Comment

All praise to our God Almighty, who is a God of love, direction, goodness, favour and blessings…He wants to see you grow into the...

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