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Journey into the Miraculous

Do you want to believe in miracles? There will be no doubt in your mind after reading the testimonies of people worldwide who have experienced healing and revival through the grace and mercy of God.

YOU can too!

Author Todd Bentley was dramatically delivered as a teenager from a life of alcohol, drugs, prison, and the occult, launching him by the Holy Spirit into a worldwide ministry.

Todd’s life story will inspire you to believe in a bigger God than you’ve ever known. God chose a wild, broken young man, one “whom no one would have believed in,” to become an extraordinary vessel of healing for the multitudes.

Todd is a prophetic signpost of what God wants to do with millions of others. As an evangelist and revivalist operating in a fresh prophetic and miracle-healing anointing, the author has witnessed God heal hundreds of people who were: Diseased with cancer, blind addicted to drugs, addicted to alcohol and tobacco, and in bondage to satan s evil.

This book will blow your mind. Don’t read it with any preconceived notions of what or who God is, or what he can do. There are no limits to God.

Read this book with an open mind, and heart! It will amaze you, inspire you and break your heart for the lost, hurting, needy! We truly serve an amazing God. Read it and be amazed.

Todd’s life is a testimony of God’s grace, the Father’s love, and His transformational power. It demonstrates that God truly looks for ordinary, broken people with a “yes” in their spirit to do the “greater works than these” that Jesus prophesied.

A God-is-still-doing-it-today book that describes how God is working in the Body of Christ.

If you’ve ever felt disqualified or inadequate to do big things for God, then this book will revolutionise your thinking.

Rating: 8/10

By Christ & Co. 

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