Written by 9:03 am Main Course

Turkish Chicken

Delicious chicken pieces floating in white sauce and melted mozzarella cheese. Chicken meals don’t taste better than this.

The perfect dish to impress your family or unexpected guests. Ready in minutes and fares well with people all over the world.

Cut and clean 500 gms of chicken.

Into a large bowl, add the chicken pieces, 3 tbs curd, 2 tbs ketchup, 1 tbs vinegar, 2 tbs olive oil, 1 tbs chilli powder, 1 tsp black pepper powder, 2 tbs ginger garlic paste, 1 tbs cumin powder, 1 tsp garam masala, 1 tsp oregano, 3 crushed chicken stock cubes and mix well.

Marinate for an hour.

To make the white sauce, melt 100 gms butter in a sauce pan. Add 1 tbs flour. Add 1 cup milk and whisk on flame well while it thickens.

Add 1/2 tsp pepper powder and 1 whole nutmeg, powdered.

Cook chicken with the marinade. Add the white sauce.

When cooked, add grated 200 gms mozzarella.

Top with chopped cilantro. Cover and cook for another few minutes until the cheese melts.

By Christ & Co.

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