Written by 4:10 pm Desserts

Banana Walnut Bread

Overripe Robusta bananas taunt us. And we always have some walnuts saved for snacking. So when we feel lazy to knead the dough, we bake some bread instead.

The cinnamon-spiced odour of this bread wafting across our home is totally worth it.

Mash 3 overripe Robusta bananas.

Whisk together 500 gm melted butter, 1/2 cup brown sugar OR 1/2 cup honey (pour melted butter first into the bowl and then the honey, so that the honey slides in) 2 eggs and 1 tsp vanilla extract.

Add 1 tsp crushed cinnamon, 2 cups wholewheat flour, the mashed bananas, 1 tsp baking soda and 2 pinches of salt. Mix well.

Toss in a handful of walnuts and another handful of chocolate chips or blueberries or sultanas or dried cranberries.

Bake at 200 degrees for 45 mins. Slice, drizzle maple syrup on top and serve as a super awesome breakfast.

By Christ & Co.

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