Written by 10:05 am Divine Reflections

Why trials are good for us

So your boss mounts a lot of pressure on you at work and you are wondering what on earth you have done to deserve that kind of superior.

Where you live, life is a living hell, because your landlord picks on you perpetually.

You have been out of job for some time now and you are doing everything right to get another one; but it has been the same old story.

I know you are not finding it easy.

But before you blame it all on the devil or the government; have you given it a second thought? Before you start wondering if God exists or whether He really cares about you, have you considered it from another angle?

Perhaps, what you need is just a change of perspective.

Maybe the reason why all the prayers you have said about these problems, seem to be falling on deaf ears, is so that you can see the opportunity that lies on the other side. Who knows, God may be the one sitting on your case or blocking that way, because He wants you to be motivated to see something better.

There are landowners today, who may never have been one if they had nice landlords while they were tenants.

Some professionals may never have learnt some skill that is now highly sought-after if their managers were always patting them on the back.

The world has many amazing entrepreneurs today, who may never have tapped into their potential, if the labour market had been favourable to them.

Nigerian entrepreneur, Ijeoma Ndukwe-Egwuronu, popularly known as Nwanyi Akamu (Igbo rendition for Pap Seller), is today the owner of a fast-thriving franchise, known as Bubez Foods. It all started from selling pap right from the space of her home. That was after she couldn’t find a job and her initial clothing business hit the rocks.

Seeking a way forward, she took time out to reflect and pray. And like a flash, the initiative to venture into producing hygienic pap for the specific convenience of mothers with toddlers, came.

Difficulties aren’t anybody’s cup of tea.

But when they come our way, they shouldn’t be immediately concluded as downfall catalysts. They may just be the motivating force you need to find your path. They may be the stepping stones to your greatness.

So, pause. Pray. Think.

Open your eyes and see the opportunity lurking around that difficulty.

By Ogaga Eruteya

Ogaga Eruteya is a Nigerian ordained pastor, poet, inspirational speaker and a scientist by profession. He was born and raised in Oyo – a historically significant Yoruba town – to Isoko parents. His name Ogaga Oghene means God’s power and he has been a true testament to this, having witnessed interventions that could only be divine on a number of dire occasions. He figured he needed to take writing seriously when he noticed that he had a plethora of scribbles and snippets all over his phones, notepads, and fragments of paper. He lives and serves God in Lagos. Read his amazing works here: www.faithandliving.com

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