Written by 4:32 pm Divine Reflections

Your words can bring victory

Dan Stratton, Pastor of Faith Exchange Fellowship in New York, states in his book, Divine ProVision: Positioning God’s Kings for Financial Conquest, that “…you and I are created in (God’s) image and…by design created also to speak our future into existence…

That is why God has told us to speak things that are in agreement with Him — and that we will be judged one day for those times when we have not.” (Mal. 3:13,14; Matt. 12:37)

We parents have the duty and privilege to speak the Word of God over our children daily – both defensively and offensively. Our enemy the devil was defeated over 2000 years ago by King Jesus, Hallelujah!

By speaking the Word of God, we enforce that defeat and liberate the LORD — who is Himself the Word — to perfect His plan in the lives of those we love.

Since my daughter (Victoria, now grown) was very young, the LORD has led me to certain Scriptures to pray over her and speak over her daily, even if it was by phone when she was elsewhere.

I was able to lead her to the LORD when she was five, and she is grounded in the Word, serving Him. I am confident she will fulfil the Ephesians 2:10 Plan He has for her.

Knowing that God’s Word I’ve sowed into Victoria will not return void gives me peace; she will stay strong as she goes off to college and otherwise into the next phase of life, for the Word of God is more powerful than anything, even though we sow it in seed form.

In addition, as I’ve spoken the Word over her, God’s Word has also been sown in my heart and is producing fruit!

As our victorious LORD Jesus said in John 16:32-33, “The Father is with Me. I’ve told you all this so that trusting Me,  you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.”

So we are already victorious as believers through the LORD Jesus Christ. However, walking out our victory is a process. We know that God is faithful, and that His mercy and love keep us when our hearts are right.

By learning and speaking the Word and teaching our children to do the same, we are walking out His perfect will.

In Peace Like a River, Leif Enger, said,“…a miracle is no cute thing but more like the swing of a sword….We and the world, my children, will always be at war. Retreat is impossible. Arm yourselves.”

We must understand that we and our children, if we are to not only survive but thrive, must fight—with wisdom, with power, with the victorious Word of God.

We win!

By Tonja K. Taylor 

Tonja K. Taylor is a delighted worshiper, happy wife and mother,  prolific author, teacher, and nature lover. She has been writing and teaching for over 30 years, to draw others to Christ and His loving wonders. She is a catalyst for positive change to all people to know the LORD Jesus is returning soon. The link to her You Tube “River Rain Creative Arts” channel is https://bit.ly/36VkvGP
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